Social media is drawing an audience of around 500 to 800 million users. Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are leaders in this pack. If you are doing any kind of marketing online and not taking advantage of these numbers, you will soon be left behind. Add to this the role of Search Engines and good content writing and you will find an unbeatable force.
Bring these three together and you can revolutionize you internet marketing business. Sounds simple enough, right? However, each of these presents its own challenge:
Like anything that brings about change, you will always have your critics. Social media marketing is no exception. There are many pros and cons as to its role in the marketing industry. There are those who don’t see how it will compliment conventional ways of doing business. It seems to take more time to see results. On the other hand, social marketing can extend your presence on the web. This can help to remove some of the limits of e-commerce. Social media can also bring about more lead generation.
Content that is rich in value is not always easy to write. The kind of day you had before you sat down to write (assuming you did not hire a ghost writer) can affect your content. Enzines attract lots of readers. Getting your articles published by them will bring more exposure to your blog or website. However, this can be a challenge also. Enzines have lots of criteria’s for good content. You don’t meet them, you don’t get published. Search engines, and yes, even social media sites have their rules on what is considered good content.
Social media, search engines, and good content writing are key components to seeing your internet business explode. We are moving more and more toward a global market. You will need these tools to effectively compete in it. So why wait? Revolutionize your business and bring the world market to your doorstep now.