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Monday, August 22, 2011

Advertising Your Way To Success

I have discussed many aspects of marketing. I have even gone into great depths on such issues as marketing for a small business, marketing products, strategic marketing, and marketing objectives. This post will focus on the key area of advertising. You will promote your product(s), services, company and ideas through advertising.
Advertising is seen by Marketers as an overall part in promotional strategy. Advertising also includes publicity. It includes personal selling. Sales promotion is a part of the mix. You can even include public relations as part of this mixture. Thinking in terms of longevity, advertising has been around a long time. Radio broadcasting, television, newspapers, and magazines encompass advertising.
However, this new age of buying and selling of goods requires a new approach to advertising. The internet has become a very important link in the chain. It has allowed marketing to take on a whole new image. The days of ‘snail mail’ have become scarce. E-mail has seen to this. Marketing by viral video has captured and excited audiences in ways TV ads never could. So you focus in today’s market must include internet advertising.
What are some ways to go about it?  When advertising on the internet, keep it simple. You want a basic marketing strategy. The marketing strategy should consist of these key components:
 1.)Establishing a budget

2.)The use of social media 

3.)The use of media campaigns

4.)Promotional tools 

5.)The use of Email marketing

6.)Pay Per Click (PPC) 

7.)The use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you don’t determine your profit and margin on your products and services, you won’t be in business long. So establishing a budget is not an option.

Such avenues as blogging, Face Book, Twitter, MySpace are excellent uses of social media. They help you obtain loyal followers and establish credibility. 

Your media campaign strategy is simple. You want to not spend more than you make. Staying with your budget should ensure this.

Make sure your promotional tools are effective in not only bringing you customers but keeping them.

An email list is an excellent way to stay in touch with customers. It also provides a way to keep them up to date on promotional projects.

The use of Pay Per Click will provide you with a good way to track and measure your sells. There are well established programs to start off with. I would recommend Google and Yahoo.

And Finally, Search Engine Optimization will help to ensure your hard earned work doesn’t go um-noticed. SEO will place your blog or website where it will be seen. Just make sure you have done all that’s necessary on your end.

Advertising on the internet can be exciting and challenging. You can rise up to the occasion by making sure these key components mentioned above are implemented. No one can guarantee success. However, these tips will keep you on the right path.


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